Saturday 13 April 2024

Class 1st Quiz

 Class 1st Quiz

1. What color is the sun? - Yellow

2. How many eyes do you have? - Two

3. What shape is a square? - Four sides of equal length

4. What do you use to write with? - Pencil or pen

5. What animal says "meow"? - Cat

6. How many legs does a spider have? - Eight

7. What is the opposite of cold? - Hot

8. What color is a banana? - Yellow

9. What shape is a star? - Pointed shape with five or more sides

10. How many wheels does a bicycle have? - Two

11. What do you wear on your feet? - Shoes

12. What animal says "woof"? - Dog

13. What is the color of grass? - Green

14. How many days are in a week? - Seven

15. What shape is a triangle? - Three sides and three angles

16. What do you use to eat soup? - Spoon

17. What color is a strawberry? - Red

18. What animal says "quack"? - Duck

19. How many sides does a square have? - Four

20. What do you use to brush your teeth? - Toothbrush

21. What color is an apple? - Red or green

22. How many legs does a bird have? - Two

23. What shape is a rectangle? - Four sides with opposite sides equal and parallel

24. What animal says "oink"? - Pig

25. What is the opposite of big? - Small

26. What do you use to drink water? - Cup or glass

27. What color is a lemon? - Yellow

28. How many legs does a dog have? - Four

29. What shape is a heart? - Symbol with two rounded parts at the top and a point at the bottom

30. What animal says "neigh"? - Horse

31. What is the opposite of fast? - Slow

32. What color is a pumpkin? - Orange

33. How many legs does a fish have? - None (they have fins)

34. What shape is a diamond? - Four-sided figure with equal sides but no right angles

35. What do you use to cut paper? - Scissors

36. What animal says "baa"? - Sheep

37. What is the opposite of tall? - Short

38. What color is the moon? - White or gray

39. How many legs does a butterfly have? - Six

40. What shape is an oval? - Rounded shape like an elongated circle

41. What do you use to clean your hands? - Soap and water

42. What animal says "roar"? - Lion

43. What is the opposite of happy? - Sad

44. What color is a cherry? - Red

45. How many legs does a frog have? - Four

46. What shape is a crescent? - Curved shape resembling a moon

47. What do you use to comb your hair? - Comb

48. What animal says "ribbit"? - Frog

49. What is the opposite of asleep? - Awake

50. What color is a carrot? - Orange

51. How many legs does a turtle have? - Four

52. What shape is a hexagon? - Six-sided figure

53. What do you use to blow bubbles? - Bubble wand or bubble solution

54. What animal says "hiss"? - Snake

55. What is the opposite of old? - Young

56. What color is a grape? - Purple

57. How many legs does a snail have? - One

58. What shape is a pentagon? - Five-sided figure

59. What do you use to tie your shoes? - Shoelaces

60. What animal says "moo"? - Cow

61. What is the opposite of sad? - Happy

62. What color is a blueberry? - Blue

63. How many legs does a ladybug have? - Six

64. What shape is a semicircle? - Half of a circle

65. What do you use to paint a picture? - Paintbrush

66. What animal says "tweet"? - Bird

67. What is the opposite of hot? - Cold

68. What color is a watermelon? - Green and pink

69. How many legs does a caterpillar have? - Many (eventually turns into a butterfly)

70. What shape is a trapezoid? - Four-sided figure with one pair of parallel sides

71. What do you use to play soccer? - Soccer ball

72. What animal says "cock-a-doodle-doo"? - Rooster

73. What is the opposite of clean? - Dirty

74. What color is an orange? - Orange

75. How many legs does a bee have? - Six

76. What shape is a parallelogram? - Four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel and equal

77. What do you use to write on a chalkboard? - Chalk

78. What animal says "buzz"? - Bee

79. What is the opposite of wet? - Dry

80. What color is a grapefruit? - Pink or yellow

81. How many legs does a grasshopper have? - Six

82. What shape is a rhombus? - Four-sided figure with equal sides but no right angles

83. What do you use to play the piano? - Piano keys

84. What animal says "ribbit"? - Frog

85. What is the opposite of empty? - Full

86. What color is a lime? - Green

87. How many legs does a dragonfly have? - Six

88. What shape is an octagon? - Eight-sided figure

89. What do you use to catch a ball? - Hands or a glove

90. What animal says "moo"? - Cow

91. What is the opposite of full? - Empty

92. What color is a raspberry? - Red

93. How many legs does an ant have? - Six

94. What shape is a heptagon? - Seven-sided figure

95. What do you use to play the drums? - Drumsticks

96. What animal says "meow"? - Cat

97. What is the opposite of open? - Closed

98. What color is a peach? - Orange or pink

99. How many legs does a centipede have? - Many (up to 100)

100. What shape is a crescent? - Curved shape resembling a moon

101. What color is the grass? - Green

102. How many wheels does a car have? - Four

103. What shape is a circle? - Round

104. What do you use to cut bread? - Knife

105. What animal says "bark"? - Dog

106. How many legs does a horse have? - Four

107. What is the opposite of day? - Night

108. What color is the sky during the day? - Blue

109. What shape is a cloud? - Fluffy and undefined

110. What do you use to drink milk? - Cup or glass

111. What animal says "cluck"? - Chicken

112. How many fingers do you have on one hand? - Five

113. What is the opposite of inside? - Outside

114. What color is a cow? - Usually black and white or brown

115. How many wheels does a tricycle have? - Three

116. What shape is a rectangle? - Four sides with opposite sides equal and parallel

117. What do you use to cut paper in a straight line? - Scissors or paper cutter

118. What animal says "baa"? - Sheep

119. What is the opposite of up? - Down

120. What color is a tiger? - Orange with black stripes

121. How many wheels does a skateboard have? - Four

122. What shape is a rainbow? - Arc-shaped with various colors

123. What do you use to scoop ice cream? - Ice cream scoop

124. What animal says "quack"? - Duck

125. What is the opposite of in? - Out

126. What color is an elephant? - Gray

127. How many legs does a spider have? - Eight

128. What shape is a diamond? - Four-sided figure with equal sides but no right angles

129. What do you use to eat soup? - Spoon

130. What animal says "oink"? - Pig

131. What is the opposite of big? - Small

132. What color is a lemon? - Yellow

133. How many legs does a cat have? - Four

134. What shape is a heart? - Symbol with two rounded parts at the top and a point at the bottom

135. What do you use to play baseball? - Bat and ball

136. What animal says "moo"? - Cow

137. What is the opposite of cold? - Hot

138. What color is a sunflower? - Yellow

139. How many legs does a rabbit have? - Four

140. What shape is a crescent? - Curved shape resembling a moon

141. What do you use to brush your hair? - Hairbrush

142. What animal says "tweet"? - Bird

143. What is the opposite of fast? - Slow

144. What color is a zebra? - Black and white stripes

145. How many legs does a duck have? - Two (plus webbed feet)

146. What shape is a square? - Four sides of equal length

147. What do you use to blow up a balloon? - Your mouth or a pump

148. What animal says "roar"? - Lion

149. What is the opposite of light? - Dark

150. What color is a flamingo? - Pink

151. How many legs does a cow have? - Four

152. What shape is a triangle? - Three sides and three angles

153. What do you use to eat spaghetti? - Fork

154. What animal says "chirp"? - Bird

155. What is the opposite of loud? - Quiet

156. What color is a giraffe? - Yellow and brown spots

157. How many legs does a chicken have? - Two (plus wings)

158. What shape is a hexagon? - Six-sided figure

159. What do you use to measure time? - Clock or watch

160. What animal says "whinny"? - Horse

161. What is the opposite of clean? - Dirty

162. What color is a penguin's belly? - White

163. How many legs does a kangaroo have? - Two (plus tail for balance)

164. What shape is a pentagon? - Five-sided figure

165. What do you use to fly a kite? - String and wind

166. What animal says "ribbit"? - Frog

167. What is the opposite of old? - Young

168. What color is a koala? - Gray

169. How many legs does a frog have? - Four

170. What shape is an oval? - Rounded shape like an elongated circle

171. What do you use to ride a bike? - Bicycle

172. What animal says "hiss"? - Snake

173. What is the opposite of short? - Tall

174. What color is a panda? - Black and white

175. How many legs does a butterfly have? - Six

176. What shape is a parallelogram? - Four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel and equal

177. What do you use to listen to music? - Headphones or speakers

178. What animal says "croak"? - Frog

179. What is the opposite of wet? - Dry

180. What color is a dolphin? - Gray

181. How many legs does a crab have? - Ten

182. What shape is a starfish? - Five-pointed star

183. What do you use to play tennis? - Tennis racket and ball

184. What animal says "squeak"? - Mouse

185. What is the opposite of thin? - Thick

186. What color is a peacock? - Blue and green

187. How many legs does an octopus have? - Eight

188. What shape is a sphere? - Round like a ball

189. What do you use to catch a fish? - Fishing rod and bait

190. What animal says "growl"? - Bear

191. What is the opposite of narrow? - Wide

192. What color is a caterpillar? - Green or brown

193. How many legs does a scorpion have? - Eight

194. What shape is a cone? - Circular base tapering to a point

195. What do you use to play the piano? - Piano keys

196. What animal says "bellow"? - Cow

197. What is the opposite of shy? - Bold

198. What color is a lobster? - Red

199. How many legs does a shrimp have? - Ten

200. What shape is a cylinder? - Circular base with a curved surface

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